nineteen days

day four

Posted in day four, the fast - 2014 by leila on March 5, 2014

Observe, for My beauty’s sake, the fast, O people, and set no limits to its duration.


“Oh Lord, enlighten my sight by beholding Thy lights in this dark night, and make me happy by the wine of Thy Love in this wonderful age.


dawn sunrise anyssa dusksunset anyssa

amelia samari/left (honolulu, hawai’i):Finding space this year to form new habits. Appreciating the gift of observing the Fast with my parents; my first teachers. Watching and learning from them.

From my father: his dedication, his wisdom, his strength.

From my mother: her love, her devotion, her patience.

anyssa samari/right (brooklyn, usa): I can do a lot of hard things. Like not eat or drink for 12+ hours. I can wake up earlier than I would like, and I can even run in the cold after drinking a strong cup of coffee. All of these hard things actually get easier with time. What seems to be getting harder with time, though, is being so far from my family. That is why I am so happy to share this day with my darling of a little sister. This has made me miss her a little less.

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  1. Mary said, on March 15, 2014 at 9:45 am

    Love the love and family bond I hear in your posts and see in your photos!

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